Hello, I am

Pavithiran Shanmugakani

Full Stack Developer, DIY Enthusiast, Front End Developer, Apps Designer


About Me

Full Stack Developer

A self-directed and motivated professional looking to further my career in software development. Have six months of experience working as an Oracle Apex developer in a telecommunications firm. As a testament to my coding knowledge and as part of my curriculum during my IT training(IT Career Switch), I completed two real-world projects to specification showing competent use in a wide range of front and back-end programming languages. I am a team player with excellent communication skills who works effectively in a dynamic environment and quickly responds to the changing needs of the business.

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Education & Expericence

My Expericence

FDM Software Consultant

FDM Group | May/2022 - May/2023


Edinburgh napier University | Jan/2010 - Aug/2019

Design Engineer

Guha Industries | Jan/2007 – Aug/2009

Counter Assistant

Sainsburys | Aug/2005 - Dec/2006

Junior Design Engineer

Proteck Machinery | Aug/2002 - Aug/2004

My Education

Coding (Full Stack Developer)

IT Career Switch | 2021 - 2022

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Edinburgh Napier University | 2018 - 2019

Master Of Science(Information Technology-Mechanical)

Edinburgh Napier University | 2004 - 2005

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)

M.N.M.JEC | 1998 - 2002


My Portfolio


Gazetteer is a geolocations app. The app fetches relevant information for travel such as weather, holidays, attractions, news, airports and covid information using the geolocation of the user.

  • I utilised HTML/CSS/JavaScript along with jQuery and Bootstrap libraries for the front end. I used PHP routines and jQuery AJAX to process and handle calls to my chosen APIs and requests.

  • All the data is dynamically displayed using restful APIs. I also used Geojson data to highlight the country borders.


Full-Stack Developer


IT Career Switch - Portfolio Project 1


Mobile & Desktop

Company Directory

The web application is to manipulate a database that consists of employee information. This application will run on CRUD functionality (create, read, update, and delete). The interface allows for user input which will retrieve data through backend requests and displayed in the front end for the user. The data is to be presented in a directory that allows for easy searching of staff, departments, and locations by single or multiple criteria. This system will have a responsive interface and designed with mobile-first in mind.

  • For development i used XAMPP Apache server. MySql is used for managing data in a relational database management system (RDBMS). MySql is very useful in handling structured data which allows to use relations among entities and variables.

  • I used HTML/CSS/Javascriptalong with jQuery and Bootstrap libraries for the front end. While I used PHP to handle requests


Full-Stack Developer


IT Career Switch - Portfolio Project 2


Mobile & Desktop


My Certificates


Ability to recognize and write syntactically correct HTML and CSS, structure data using HTML elements, and create and apply styles using CSS.

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Knowledge in all the common HTML tags used to structure HTML pages with an ability to competently create the skeleton of all websites. Good ability to create HTML tables to present tabular data efficiently.

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Ability to edit text and colors, create attractive layouts and to set up the correct file structure. Very good Knowledge to customize the appearance of web pages to suit application needs

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Knowledge in object-oriented programming, writing classes, creating objects, and ability to use built-in Java classes.

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Knowledge in classes and objects. Ability to use interfaces and inheritance to organise, secure, and simplify code

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Ability to create dynamic web pages using Creation, Deletion, Injection, and Updating of MySQL databases with the ability to sanitise data using PHP libraries

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Python 3

Good knowledge in functions, strings, dictionaries and classes

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